TowncrierBuild a Game Company: Upcoming CoursesThe Game Industry is under a big change, believe it or not. It’s happening right now in front of our eyes and we should fi...38d ago
TowncrierSolo Game Development Mentorship - Why?Just recently, I hosted a live workshop in Kajaani, Finland, where around fifty participants came together to discuss the ...67d ago
TowncrierPlans for the year 2025 - Solo Game Development CareerHappy new year everyone! I decided to take a few weeks vacation pretty much right after the release of Seeker: Quest.Duri...81d ago
TowncrierPlaying with Steam Algorithm Part #4 - Seeker: Quest Early Access researchGreetings everyone! You can read the previous week data checks here: Part #1 Part #2Part #3I just did it. I released a ...99d ago
TowncrierPlaying with Steam Algorithm Part #3 - Seeker: Quest Early Access ReleaseGreetings everyone!You can read the previous week data checks here:Part #1Part #2Seeker: Quest will launch tomorrow (12th ...108d ago
TowncrierRunning a Solo Game Studio - Launch Day ApproachingRunning your own solo business is a rather insane journey, especially if you’re in a position where you're actually doing ...110d ago
TowncrierPlaying with Steam Algorithm Part #2 - Seeker: Quest Early Access researchGreetings you!Welcome to the "data corner"! Let's take a look what has happened since the last time. In case you missed th...116d ago
TowncrierPlaying with Steam Algorithm - Seeker: Quest Early Access researchI wanted to share my journey with the game Seeker: Quest Early Access release as transparently as possible.So today, I rev...123d ago
TowncrierSteam Next Fest - Experiences & NumbersPLEASE NOTE: I decided to reopen this blogpost, since for some reason I closed it some time ago. The following information...124d ago
TowncrierSeeker: Quest Early Access Release Date: December 12, 2024I’m stoked to announce that Seeker: Quest (Steam Page) is finally going live on Steam Early Access on December 12th, 2024!...124d ago
TowncrierFrom Floppy Disks to Key MetricsMaking games has always been part of my life, for as long as I can remember. First, it was designing new twists for existi...129d ago
TowncrierThe Business vs. Creativity in the Game IndustryI recently attended a few game industry conferences, which sparked a lot of thoughts about the current state of developers...176d ago
TowncrierSo, why do I make games?Yesterday, I found myself thinking, why do I make games? Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t one of those negative reflections...197d ago
TowncrierThe Art of Letting Go: Releasing into the WildThis is for all the artists out there, who are thinking whether they should publish their creations or not. I felt like I...207d ago
TowncrierTesting a New Blogging Style: What to Expect?I’ve decided to go towards different types of blog posting. For the past years, I’ve been writing a blog now and then wher...221d ago
TowncrierThe State of the Game Industry 2024The game industry is in a rather big turmoil when considering the job market. I've been reading a lot of articles and post...352d ago
TowncrierHow to get a job in the Game Industry - Neogames Interview Greetings everyone!I'm happy to share an interview with you on the "hot topic" of how graduates and junior developers ca...358d ago
TowncrierLet's make a game with Construct 3! (Full tutorial series for beginners)Are you a newcomer to game development, or perhaps you're eager to explore the possibilities offered by the Construct 3 ga...418d ago
Towncrier5 COMMON GAME DESIGN MISTAKESLet's delve into common mistakes independent game developers make when designing their games. The five mistakes I'm going ...424d ago
TowncrierAre you always in a hurry? (Stop it now!)As I write this, it's Monday. It used to be one of the most stressful days of the week, with its impact even stretching in...424d ago